Energy industry leaders agree that electricity consumption in Latvia will increase in the future. With the development of solar energies micro-generation in Latvia, consumer energy literacy has increased, which, in combination with smart technologies, on the one hand, allows to reduce energy consumption, on the other – to increase it, reducing the use of fossil energy resources. The move towards climate neutrality is the right one.

One of the energy resources whose potential has so far been underdeveloped in Latvia is biomethane, the production of which also addresses the issue of CO2 emissions. The existing infrastructure needs to be adapted to the introduction of biomethane into the system, and the first steps are being taken in this respect.

Electrification of the heating and cooling industry in Latvia is the next step towards decarbonisation. While district heating is already being greened by switching energy producers to renewable energy sources, in the long term, cost reduction also requires homework on the end-consumer side. Energy efficiency and consumption optimization are crucial.

The future development of the heating sector requires active involvement from all parties. It must be economically sound and socially fair. For participants in centralized heating systems, efficient management of the entire heat supply chain is essential, while users of local and individual systems must make technologically and resource-sustainable choices.

A climate-neutral and secure service, with ensured infrastructure at an affordable price, clean and scenic environments, and technologies that work in our favor—this is what today’s consumer wants. However, we must all think about tomorrow and the challenges we wish to leave for future generations. The roadmap has been provided.

Publishing house Dienas Bizness, together with leaders in the heat and power industry, is organizing the annual industry conference “HEAT SUPPLY AND ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES” to jointly seek solutions to the industry’s challenges for developing an economically sound and socially just energy sector in Latvia.

Date: October 30, 2024, 9:30 – 17:00
Location: Bellevue Park Hotel Riga, Latvia, 1 Slokas Street
Language: Latvian and English (a simultaneous translation will be provided)

Target audience: local and regional authorities, public authorities and policy makers, heat and electricity producers and suppliers, representatives of energy-intensive enterprises and industrial producers, building managers and real estate developers, representatives of financial and development institutions, investors.

Objective: to seek solutions to the challenges of the sector for the development of an economically sound and socially equitable heating sector in Latvia.

Motto: Climate neutrality unites, success motivates!


For one person: EUR 240 ( +VAT, if applicable)
For partners and corporate clients of ABB and AS “Augstsprieguma tīkls” participation with 15% discount: EUR 204 ( +VAT, if applicable)
For subscribers of “Dienas Bizness” participation with 30% discount: EUR 168 (+VAT, if applicable)

Regular price starting from October 17:
For one person: EUR 280 ( +VAT, if applicable)
For partners and corporate clients of ABB and AS “Augstsprieguma tīkls” participation with 15% discount: EUR 238 ( +VAT, if applicable)
For subscribers of “Dienas Bizness” participation with 30% discount: EUR 196 (+VAT, if applicable)


Please fill in the form HERE or below the programme to register your participation

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More about the event:
Santa Butāne
+37126132470 | santa.butane@db.lv





08:30 – 09:30   Registration & morning coffee

09:30 – 09:35   Conference intro
Moderatore ARMANDA VILCIŅA, journalist of the Dienas Bizness magazine

09:35 – 09:45   State support and roadmap for closer sectoral cooperation in the energy sector
KASPARS MELNIS, Minister for Climate and Energy of the Republic of Latvia

09:45 – 10:05   A Path to a Grid-Connected Future
JØRGEN NIELSEN, Chairman of the Board of the DBDH (Danish Board of District Heating) and CEO of TVIS, Denmark

10:05 – 10:20  District Heating – a powerful tool for sector coupling, electrification and utilizing of waste heat
PER STEFFENSEN, Head of ABB District Energy Competence Center, Denmark

10:20 – 10:40   Software tool and bidding methods for District Heating companies participating in Day-ahead, Intraday and the balancing markets
PhD ANDERS N. ANDERSEN, Ext. Ass. Professor, R&D projects responsible in EMD International, Denmark

10:40 – 11:00   Experience of a Danish District Heating company participating in the mFRR and FCR balancing markets
MARTIN HALKJÆR KRISTENSEN, Manager of Ringkøbing District Heating, Denmark

11:00 – 11:15   Is the electricity market ready for heating companies to enter the balancing system?
GATIS JUNGHĀNS, Member of the Board of JSC Augstsprieguma tīkls, Latvia

11:15 – 12:00   Panel discussion. Challenges in industrial coupling

Participants of the panel discussion:

  • JØRGEN NIELSEN, Chairman of the Board of the DBDH (Danish Board of District Heating) and CEO of TVIS, Denmark
  • GATIS JUNGHĀNS, Member of the Board of JSC Augstsprieguma tīkls, Latvia
  • LĪGA KUREVSKA, State Secretary, Ministry of Climate and Energy of the Republic of Latvia
  • INA BĒRZIŅA-VEITA, President of the District Heating Association of Latvia

12:00 – 13:00   Lunch and Networking

13:00 – 13:15   Balancing the energy market – Danish experience
PER STEFFENSEN, Head of ABB District Energy Competence Center, Denmark

13:15 – 13:30   Baltic storage platform – the most powerful European storage park in Estonia
KARL KULL, Managing director of Evecon, Estonia

13:30 – 13:45  Latvia on the way to mastering the potential of biomethane – the first biomethane input point in Džukste parish
ULDIS BARISS, Chairman of the Board of AS Conexus Baltic Grid, Latvia

13:45 – 14:00  Topic to be confirmed
ĒRIKS TIMPARS, Member of the Board of AS CleanR Grupa, Latvia

14:00 – 14:45   Panel discussion. Competitiveness of green energy

Participants of the panel discussion:

  • ULDIS BARISS, Chairman of the Board of AS Conexus Baltic Grid, Latvia
  • AGRIS VELIKS, Sales Manager, ABB Latvian Electrification Business, Latvia
  • Representative from JSC Rīgas Siltums (to be specified)
  • INGA IĻJINA, Deputy Director of the Department of Energy Sustainability, Ministry of Climate and Energy of the Republic of Latvia

14:45 – 15:15   Coffee break

15:15 – 15:30   Topic to be confirmed
Representative of AS Rīgas Siltums, Latvia

15:30 – 15:45   Synergy of forces and sustainability factor in a new data center project in Salaspils

15:45 – 16:00   Energy as a Service – main challenges and opportunities for cooperation with municipalities
MĀRIS KĀNĪTIS, Director of SIA Adven Latvia

16:00 – 16:15  Do multi-energy centres have a future? Where and when will they settle in Latvia?
Dr.habil.sc.ing. DAGNIJA BLUMBERGA, RTU VASSI Professor, Leading Researcher, Director of the Institute, Latvia

16:15 – 17:00   Panel discussion.  Challenges and possible solutions for the competitiveness of district heating in the regions of Latvia

DParticipants of the panel discussion:

  • INA BĒRZIŅA-VEITA, President of the District Heating Association of Latvia
  • INGARS BAĻČŪNS, Chairman of the Board of SIA Smart Consulting
  • ALDA OZOLA, Chairman of the Public Services Regulation Commission in Latvia
  • Dr.habil.sc.ing. DAGNIJA BLUMBERGA, RTU VASSI Professor, Leading Researcher, Director of the Institute, Latvia

17:00   Closing remarks





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